Edgar Barens is the director and producer of the Academy Award nominated documentary film, Prison Terminal: The Last Days of Private Jack Hall. The film follows the final months in the life of a terminally ill prisoner and the hospice volunteers, they themselves prisoners, who care for him.
Archive | Law Enforcement – Military
Jonathan Freeman
Jonathan Freeman is a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army having recently returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. He has his BA from the University of Michigan and has an MA from Harvard University.
Joseph Kopser
Joseph Kopser is a retired military officer. He is the the co-Founder and CEO of RideScout, a startup smartphone app created to increase transportation efficiency by getting people out of their cars and into other public, commercial, and private options. Mr. Kopser is a West Point and Harvard Kennedy School graduate.
Jonathan Freeman
United State Army officier.
Jack Garcia
Jack Garcia former FBI agent.
Jack Garcia
Jack Garcia is a former FBI agent.
Clinton Emerson
Clinton Emerson is a former Navy Seal and the author of the book, Escape the Wolf. He is a respected authority on preemptive risk mitigation for global travelers.
Tina Atherall
Tina Atherall is the Executive Vice President of the non-profit Hope for the Warriors. Hope for the Warriors supports wounded U.S. service members and their families. www.hopeforthewarriors.org
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Kopser
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Kopser of the U.S. Army is the head of ROTC at the University of Texas at Austin. Lieutenant Kopser is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
Andrew DiDonato
Mr. Andrew DiDonato is the author of the book, Surviving the Mob. It is the amazing story of one man’s journey from being a part of organized crime to becoming a respectable citizen.